March 8, 2014 – the 3/4 Year Mark

¾ mark

I’m ¾ of the way through my fiftieth year.

Looking at my 50 – 50 list, not much has been accomplished.

Item 19 – Done

I did see Beethoven’s 9th symphony performed live. 

What a magnificent experience.  It was an incredibly experience to hear the music live, not just through a speaker.  Completely different and far more powerful.

Item 5 – SO not done

On the weight front, I haven’t lost an ounce in 2 months.  I’ve simply run out of steam.  It’s the long dark of the damp coast winter that is finally getting to me.  I’ve had to pull out my light therapy box almost everyday to fire up my brain synapses.

More items to tick off

Luckily Spring break is coming up and, hopefully, I’ll get a chance to get out there and live a little.  I’ve got an archery lesson booked so Number 24 is done.  Perhaps a few more  items  will get done, if I schedule them, before the end of March.  Perhaps #2, #29, #15.

The list is still short a few items, about 10, but perhaps in the next ¼ year I can find the remaining 10 items to complete the 50 – 50 list.  At this point it’s obvious that this won’t just be a one year journey but at least a 2 -3 year journey.

Afterall, there’s the pork crackling fest in Italy and the ice cream fest in Guadalajara and Feast Portland and Viking Market in Denmark, the ….

2 thoughts on “March 8, 2014 – the 3/4 Year Mark

  1. Gee, I would’ve expected a pork crackling fest to be in Denmark. No matter, it’s a worthy addition to any bucket list.

    As to not getting all 50 done in your 50th year, just call it your ’50 for 50s’ list instead. Always nice to have something wonderful to look forward to and save up for (in the case of those involving transatlantic flights)! I think the whole 50 for 50 plan is an excellent idea, even if it takes you beyond your 50s to achieve it. And even if you never achieve them all, that doesn’t even matter, it truly is the journey, the process, that counts.

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