I don't plan

New Year Resolutions

A New Year, New Resolutions

Making New Year resolutions is a bit of a double edged sword. On the one hand it can be the spark that you need to go out and achieve some goals to better your life. On the other hand it can create guilt and feelings of failure when you look back at the year past and realise you’ve not ticked off one thing on your list.

So How to Start?

So, how to create resolutions that inspire and not depress you? You can’t make them too airy fairy, like “I want to be a better person” because there’s nothing to achieve. How do you measure “better”? Continue reading

Regina Brett

50 Lessons Life Taught Me

Regina’s 50 List

Regina Brett of Cleveland, Ohio, once wrote a column for The Plain Dealer called “The 45 Lessons Life Taught me”.

It’s pretty insightful and certainly has helped me put a few things in perspective.  It’s not a 50 – 50 list.  It’s a list of observations that can help make life a little easier to enjoy.

The original list was 45 lessons, but she’s added 5 more for good measure.   Continue reading

Cool Cat

Feeling Special

I’ve lost that Special Feeling

I’m special (special)
So special (special)
Gotta have some of your attention
Give it to me.
The Pretenders

Special to No one?

It occurred to me the other day that right now, in my life, I have no one who makes me feel special.

Family, husband, junior, friends – no one says to me, “Sharole, you are special.  You have unique talents and gifts and what you do with them is very special.  You should go forth and use them more often.” Continue reading


Losing a Friend

I lost a friend a while ago.

A younger friend, which made it an even more heart wrenching event for me.

In a moment of attempted jocularity,   I thought, what’s the use of having younger friends if they die before you.

Short yet Long Term Friends

It’s not as if we were longtime friends.  In fact we’d known each other for a very short time.  But once we met, it felt as if we’d known each other forever.  In fact we may have.  Continue reading


The Weight of the World on your Shoulders

Too Much on your Shoulders

Do you ever feel that there is so much weight upon your shoulders you can barely stand upright?

Today my collapse started with a paper jam.  It always is the most innocuous things, isn’t it?

And, naturally, my husband was the root problem.  If he had taken my advice and printed those heavy cardboard thingies at a copy store instead of trying to stuff it in my little colour printer……. Well, you get the picture.

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